The Supercomputer in Your Pocket

You should read this fascinating article about DNA and the potential future of “genetically targeted bio-weapons” because the implications are many (and frightening), but it also included this bit on smartphones:

“In the 1970s, the most powerful supercomputer in the world was a Cray. It required a small room to hold it and cost roughly $8 million. Today, the iPhone in your pocket is more than 100 times faster and more than 12,000 times cheaper than a Cray. This is exponential growth at work.”

100 times more powerful?! It’s easy to forget how capable and proficient these little devices we carry around in our pockets really are. Nutty.

Taliban Insanity

A 14-year old activist was shot in the head by Taliban gunman for her support of girls education. It is difficult for me to comprehend how a group of adults could think it is their religious duty to shoot a 14-year girl. The only words that even adequately describe it are demonic and pure evil. Thankfully, the BBC is reporting that this young hero successfully underwent a long surgery to remove the bullet, but her recovery will no doubt be a long one. Say a prayer for her tonight.